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What to Do When a Great Employee’s Performance Slips

closeup of businessman's shoe about to step on a banana peelFor a company to be successful, they’ve got to have great people on their team. Great people are people who fit seamlessly into your culture, they share your core values, and they’re very talented for their role in the business. Once they were hired in and brought up to speed, everything felt great.

Then one day something changed. You can’t put your finger on the exact moment, but suddenly they don’t feel as great as they once did in that position. This feeling is subtly nagging in the back of your mind, but you’ve got too many other things going on at the moment to address it.

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Build a Culture of Gratitude and Boost the Bottom Line

neon thank-you sign | Build a Culture of Gratitude and Boost the Bottom LineAlthough Thanksgiving is about enjoying great food with family and friends, the main ingredient of the holiday is gratitude. While Thanksgiving gives us a day to count our blessings, much can be said for the benefits of cultivating an attitude of gratitude year-round.

Scientists have proven that people who are thankful experience improved health, more positive emotions and better ability to handle stress. People who have an attitude of gratitude are also better able to reach their goals.

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What If You’re Promoting the Wrong People?

businessman in a suit with clown shoes sitting in a chair - example of promoting the wrong people“The Peter Principle” is a term coined by Laurence J. Peter in 1969 to describe the recurring phenomenon of employees being promoted to – and often beyond – their highest level of competence. While hilariously illustrated in the comic strip Dilbert, both versions of the television show The Office, and the movie Office Space – the consequences for a small, entrepreneurial company aren’t funny at all.

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