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Why You’ll Never Make Your Employees Accountable

businessman pointing a blaming finger at a female colleague while sitting in a meetingWhen I first meet with a small business leadership team, I always ask them to rate the how accountable their team is on a scale of 1 to 10. The average among teams is a 4. And inevitably there is a comment or statement made that “I wish our people were more accountable.” The question that soon follows is, “Mike, can you help me make my people more accountable?”

My answer is, No.

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When to Fire Your Company’s Founder and Hire a Visionary

When to Fire Your Company’s Founder and Hire a VisionaryImagine you’ve founded a service business with about 100 employees. When asked, you explain your role as being involved with everything, especially Sales and Marketing, and Operations. One day, as you arrive at your weekly meeting, your right-hand man tells you, “You’re fired.”

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