Is Your Business Guilty of Dysfunctional Parenting?

man and woman sitting on black wooden chairs arguingMy son didn’t like what he heard from me, so he went to his mom and got the answer he wanted. We call this “the end-run,” — it also happens in business.

For example, have you ever experienced dissension in your organization where employees sided with one leader over the other? It’s like a reality show where alliances are created to overtake the other party.

How Are Your Business Parenting Skills?

As “parents” of the organization, the leadership team has to be on the same page and speak the same language, especially the Visionary and Integrator.

If they are not, similar to children in a family, the troops will divide and conquer. For a company to be healthy, the Visionary and Integrator have to be on the same page. It’s a Process issue and it starts with communication.

In EOS®, we recommend the Same Page Meeting™.

As the Visionary and Integrator, this could be the single most important thing these two individuals can do – to represent a united front so the vision is crystal clear. Then the team can determine how to get there and what everyone’s role is in getting there.

Getting on the Same Page

The Same Page Meeting has a simple agenda with the main objective of ensuring the Visionary and Integrator hash out differences and getting on the same page instead of arguing in front of their team or giving mixed signals.

As illustrated in this video by Gino Wickman, the three agenda items in a Same Page Meeting are:

  1.     Check-in: Start on a personal note and see how each of you are doing
  2.     Build An Issues List: Be open and honest on what the issues are and list them out
  3.     IDS™: Follow the Identify, Discuss, and Solve process

When you follow this simple process, it helps to resolve any open issues that are creating friction in the company, resulting in more alignment across the organization and a clear direction for the team.

Next Steps:

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