Why Millennials Will Love EOS® – Part 1

The impact these 76 million people born between 1980 – 2002 will have on the workforce is well-documented. Stereotypes aside, their numbers, creativity, passion and knack for technology make them a critical asset to any organization. However, they do think differently than we Baby-Boomer owners and many Gen-X leaders and managers.

millennials-love-eos.jpgWhen you look at articles about millennials, a handful of themes keeps showing up:

  • passion and meaning
  • understanding the big picture
  • culture
  • work-life alignment
  • projects with clear expectations
  • being creative
  • frequent and regular feedback
  • connectivity with the boss and company

Good news! Much of what millennials are looking for in an organization and how they are best managed maps directly to the specific tools of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS®). Two of those tools that you’ll find discussed in Gino Wickman’s book, Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, are the Vision/Traction Organizer™ and the Accountability Chart.

The Vision/Traction Organizer, V/TO

This two-page business plan with only 8 questions defines where an organization is going and how it will get there. Your Core Focus™ clearly spells out the company’s reason for being by linking your passion – why the organization exists – with your niche, what you do. Core Values define your culture or who you are as a people. This who, why and what is essentially the soul of the organization. The 10-Year Target™ points to a bigger-than-life, energizing goal and the 3-Year Picture™ lets everyone know exactly what the organization will look like just three years out. The 1-Year Plan and Quarterly Rocks break it down to specific goals and priorities that will get you there in the near term.

Referring to the V/TO in regular company meetings and throughout the interview process, as we teach our EOS clients, will satisfy most millennials’ need to know, and make sure your vision for the company is shared by all.

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The Accountability Chart

Showing who is accountable for what across the entire organization does several things for millennials. First, it provides crystal clear focus on roles and responsibilities. Second, it shows opportunities for development and advancement as managers delegate accountabilities to their teams. Once accountabilities are defined by the five key roles in each seat, you now have common language to discuss whether or not an employee gets it, wants it and has the capacity for a specific seat. Do they align with this job?

Millennials want to be clear on what is expected of them and what they can expect from the company. They are also looking for regular feedback on their performance. Clear roles and responsibilities are the foundation for this ongoing dialog.

In Why Millennials Will Love EOS® – Part 2, we’ll talk about EOS tools for leading, managing, and holding millennials accountable.

Next Steps

This post originally appeared on the Traction Process Blog on May 24, 2017.

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