Are Your Shoes Perfectly Aligned?

shoes organizes on closet shelvesOne of the most vivid images from my childhood is my Grandmother Bessie’s walk-in shoe closet. What a sight to behold! Every shoe in perfect order by color, heel size, and use (fancy vs. day-to-day). 

I can only imagine the time she must have spent getting and keeping that closet in such order. Making sure every shoe was in its correct place, ready to serve its specific purpose. She got rid of shoes that no longer fit or weren’t adding value, and was always able to pair outfits with perfectly coordinated shoes.

She took the time to structure her closet and its contents properly, periodically checking to make sure it was organized the best it could be. It’s the same with your business.

Time to organize your “shoes”

When you were starting out, it was all about everyone pulling together to get things done. You worked alongside people that were with you from the beginning and who worked themselves to the bone for you.

But as your business grew, things fell into disarray. People outgrew their roles or their roles outgrew them.  

Of course, it’s common to want to structure your business around the people who have been with you, the ones you love. But that’s not thinking long-term. You need to have the proper structure and people in place to grow your business sustainably.

It all starts with the right structure

One of the tools in the EOS Toolbox™ we use to achieve this is the Accountability Chart. Imagine what you could accomplish if you had the right structure for your company, with each function filled with people who excel in that role. This, of course, doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process. 

To get started, here’s how a company running on EOS® would do it:

  • Hypothetically, “fire” everyone in the company and truly define what the right structure is for your company.
  • List the 3-7 major functions in your company (Sales/Marketing, Operations, Finance) and their 3-5 roles or responsibilities in that function.
  • Assign ONE person to be accountable for that function, because if everyone is accountable, no one is accountable.
  • Tie it all together with the Integrator role, the person in charge who oversees all the major functions in the company.

The important thing is to structure the company first, then add the names. That way, you are not getting caught up in existing roles, egos, and relationships. This will allow you to place people in roles that have them operating within their natural talents

What’s great about the Accountability Chart is that it gives you a visual structure of your entire organization. It clarifies the major functions of your company, the roles within that function, and the person who is held accountable for that function. You need to review it annually (even quarterly) to make sure your company is still structured correctly to help move it forward.

It’s not easy, but in the end, you have a “shoe closet” that is 100% in alignment, providing the perfect shoe for each outfit! 

Grandma Bessie would be proud.

Next Steps: 

  • Download a copy of the Accountability Chart from the EOS Toolbox™ to help you discover the right structure for your company.
  • Take the Organizational Checkup® to get a picture of your company’s strengths and weaknesses, along with a roadmap for improvement.
  • Download the How to Be a Great Boss Toolkit to access free tools and resources to help you lead, manage, and create accountability on your team.

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