If you’re like most entrepreneurs and business leaders, you have 136 things buzzing around in your head at any given time. That is urgent stuff — like buzzing bees — that can easily distract you from stuff you should be doing for your business.
Certified EOS Implementer® Dale Williams shows you the ultimate sedative for all those “bees” in your head. In EOS®, it’s called “Compartmentalization” and involves putting the bees in the compartments of goals, Rocks, to-dos, and issues.
Next Steps:
- Download a copy of the EOS V/TO to help you clarify, simplify, and achieve your vision.
- Download the Issues Solving Track™ from the EOS Toolbox™️ to learn how to IDS™️ (Identify, Discuss, and Solve) issues more effectively.
- Thinking of implementing EOS in your company? Request a free 90-Minute Meeting with an EOS Implementer® to get an overview of EOS and how it can help you!