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Test Driving the V/TO™

Test Driving the VTO

I can tell my clients that the EOS Model® offers business owners a proven system that works really well. Even when I show them how others have succeeded using EOS®, I sometimes get met with a healthy dose of skepticism. They think EOS is “just another business model” in a long list of approaches vying for their time and money. Instead of resisting committing to yet another system, I suggest they ease in by test driving the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™).

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Jaded by Piecemeal Business Models? 

Before I became an EOS Implementer®, I belonged to a national business coaching organization. It seemed like everyone in the organization was using different methodologies that worked for different kinds of clients. I’d come back from business coaching conferences with pages of notes on things I needed to research and learn.

I’d read recommended books about fiery leaders turning around huge corporations that looked nothing like my clients’ companies. I’d find nuggets here and there I could use, but nothing comprehensive. There was nothing consistent, and nothing with proven results.

You can’t blame a business owner who feels once-bitten-twice-shy after trying to implement cobbled-together business models. Especially if after implementing the models, they see little long-term change or even any short-term change for that matter.

Around the time I heard about EOS, I’d been searching specifically for a better business plan for my clients. When I stumbled across the V/TO, I thought, “A two-page business plan that actually works? Yes, please.” When I learned more about the entire EOS Model, I said, “Oh heck yes!”

Easy Entry Point

I fell in love with the EOS Process® because it allows owners to easily break down every component of their business. They find the pain points, get to the root causes, and solve them forever. But for an owner barely getting by today, starting even the simplest business model might still feel overwhelming.

Slowly looking at each V/TO question one at a time might feel less intimidating, too. I’ve found that even just starting with Core Values and Core Focus™ can start to provide clarity.

Completing the V/TO reminds company founders why they even got into business to begin with. Once they remember who they are, we can take the next step and think about where they want to go.

Bring your vision to life. Outline your vision and bring it down to the ground where your team can execute it

From there, we start breaking down those long-term goals into smaller achievable milestones. Before owners know it, they start to see a better future for their business, for their people, and for themselves.

Getting the Most from the V/TO — and EOS

Of course, if you only test drive the V/TO, you won’t get maximum results for your company. For the system to work, you have to follow all the steps purely, even the harder ones. I remind my clients that just because the process is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy. It takes time and effort, but I promise the hard work is worth it in the end.

If you own a business and have a hard time gaining traction on your journey, you might want some help. Having an EOS Implementer walk you through the processes and facilitate leadership team conversations can guide your path forward.

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