What to Know When Replacing a Previous Integrator™

If you’re reading this, the good news is that you’re stepping into a role that has already been defined. Your predecessor has (hopefully) tackled many of the larger obstacles that come with establishing space for an Integrator in relation to the company’s Visionary — but you won’t be without challenges of your own.

The Challenges to Replacing a Previous Integrator

Creating the proverbial launch pad for an entrepreneurial leadership structure is a lot of work. Once that structure exists, achieving Rocket Fuel™ and propelling your Visionary/Integrator™ relationship and your organization into orbit is next.

When you take over and step in to replace a previous Integrator, that magic, that spark that gets the engine going has to be created again. This magical spark has to be recreated not only between the Visionary and Integrator but also between the Integrator and the entire team.

Creating Your Visionary/Integrator Relationship

One of the most common root causes of issues in Visionary/Integrator Duos is when they’re not on the same page. The first step in cultivating a strong relationship with your entrepreneurial counterpart is committing to regular Same Page Meetings™ (it’s the first rule of Rocket Fuel).

Same Page Meetings

Potentially the most important thing you can do in your journey to achieve Rocket Fuel whether you’re replacing an Integrator or not is to run strong Same Page Meetings. You can hold them somewhere fun like a restaurant over drinks, or during an activity that you both enjoy, just stick to having them at least once a month for 2-4 hours.

  1. Check-in with each other
  2. Build your Issues List™
  3. IDS™: Identify, Discuss, and Solve those issues

In addition to committing to Same Page Meetings, consider each of your perspectives on:

  • Vision alignment
  • Being in sync
  • Open/honest communication
  • Mutual respect
  • Role clarity
  • Agreement on 90 Day priorities
  • Weekly leadership team engagement

To assess the alignment of your relationship, take the Rocket Fuel Power Index to get a clear picture of where you are.

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Navigating Your New Team

Being the Integrator, you sit between the Visionary and the leadership team on the Accountability Chart™. That makes your relationships with each member of your leadership team also incredibly important.

Your job is to keep those leaders accountable and blend the tensions that exist between the major functions into greater energy for the company as a whole. Integrating the major functions of the business into a well-oiled machine takes time. There’s a lot of trust and relationship building that needs to happen first. One way you might do this is through one-on-ones to get to know them, similar to your Same Page Meetings with your Visionary.

To help keep them all focused in one direction, check out Get a Grip by Gino Wickman and Mike Paton for a life-like look at making it happen.

Finding Your Rocket Fuel

Building a relationship built on trust, mutual respect, and open and honest communication is crucial to finding success as an Integrator especially when you’re replacing a previous Integrator.

If you’re interested in more resources to help grow your V/I relationship, join our Monthly Visionary and Integrator Q&A Calls. You’ll have the opportunity to IDS with peers from around the Rocket Fuel Community all facilitated by an EOS Implementer®.

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