Why It’s Your Responsibility to Share Company Info During the Hiring Process

We’ve always heard that a good job candidate should research your company during the hiring process. They should know your mission and vision, the benefits you offer, your customer profile – anything that will help them prove their worth and eagerness during their interview. 

That initiative and preparedness has always been a good indicator of a good prospective new hire – but we’re flipping the script here. We don’t think our applicants should have to do that much research on us. In fact, we provide all our candidates with a cheat sheet on everything they should know about our business – because we believe it will help us put the right people in the right seats. 

We believe it should be the business’s responsibility to share that company information with prospective employees – here’s why. 

One Source of Truth 

The internet is a Wild West of information. Details can become outdated, and some sources are just plain wrong. And yes, for job candidates researching companies, some sites are more legitimate (LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.). But wouldn’t you rather have your applicants see the right information right away? 

We don’t want any confusion about the benefits we offer or the values that serve as the foundation of our business. We want our job candidates to have all the correct information in their hands. That way, they can make more informed decisions about whether we are the best fit for them. 

Saving Time and Money 

The average hiring process can take anywhere from one week to 30 days – the time your HR or people team could spend on all their other responsibilities. Minimizing your applicant pool early saves time (and money). 

Sharing your company information with applicants allows them to see if you align on important details. Do you both place the same importance on your core values? Are they looking to join a company that’s growing or one that’s more established? Are you offering the types of benefits they’re looking for? 

Your company info answers their questions before they need to be asked. And while most will probably want to proceed with the hiring process, some won’t. And that’s OK – not everyone will be the perfect fit for your business. But it’s better that they bow out early than waste everyone’s time with an interview that won’t go anywhere.

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Establishing Connection Early 

Arguably, the most important reason to share your company information early is to start building a connection with your next employee. We’re not just delivering cold, hard facts – we’re introducing our company culture in a way that’s easily digestible and presents us in a good light. 

In a way, sharing this information with candidates is like trying to make a good first impression. It’s their first real interaction with your company, and you want to start strong. Especially considering that among your candidates is the best person to join your team – and you don’t want to lose them to another business, especially a competitor. 

That’s why we added introductory videos from our leadership and people team to our Join Our Team page. We don’t just want to be words on a page – we want our job candidates to see the people behind the scenes leading us through the highs and lows of growing a business. 

The hiring process is already tough enough for any business, and finding the right people to join your team can seem daunting. But by sharing your company information, you’re presenting a single source of truth that saves time for yourself and your candidates while building your first connection with your next new hire.

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