The meaning of VTO™

The meaning of VTO™

By figuring out what your company needs to grow, you can work toward your goals that contribute to your vision. VTO™ is an easy-to-use tool from Entrepreneurial Operating System® that allows you to look at every aspect of your company’s potential and helps everyone on your team play a role in the company’s success.

Learn about VTO and every component of the Foundational Tool that can support your company vision.

What is the VTO?

The VTO is one of the Foundational Tools in EOS®, the Entrepreneurial Operating System. It stands for Vision Traction Organizer and is a very simple tool to get 100% of your people 100% on the same page with where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.

The beauty of this tool is found in its simplicity and completeness. Instead of a 50-page PowerPoint deck, your company vision is captured in a two-page document that simply answers eight questions. Your vision is complete when you’ve:

  1. Defined your Core Values.
  2. Determined your Core Focus.
  3. Set your 10-Year Target.
  4. Established your Marketing Strategy.
  5. Set your 3-Year Picture.
  6. Set your 1-Year Plan.
  7. Set your 90-day Rocks.
  8. Outlined your long-term Issues.

The 8 components of VTO

VTO breaks down into eight sections that help you define your Vision. They will help you to build a strategy that integrates the goals you hope to accomplish, both short- and long-term.

  1. Core Values — It’s essential to determine what principles you want your employees to prioritize. Some examples of Core Values include innovation, accountability and transparency.
  2. Core Focus — Your company’s Core Focus consists of your Purpose/Cause/Passion, or P/C/P, as well as your Niche. Your P/C/P is the driving force behind your company’s existence while your Niche is about the value that you’re adding to the market.
  3. 10-Year Target — You have to know where the next steps in your company’s development are leading. By figuring out exactly where you hope to see your company in 10 years, you can nail down an overall goal that you’re continuously working toward.
  4. Marketing Strategy — VTO will help you devise a Marketing Strategy that works for your target market, the message you want to send that market about your company, and your process of working with a new customer or client. It also includes a guarantee that you can deliver against.
  5. 3-Year Picture — If we can get everyone in the organization to visualize what the company looks like three short years from now, it’s like magic. The chances of you achieving it increase exponentially.
  6. 1-Year Plan — Your 1-Year plan consists of the three to seven most important things to get done in the current year to get you one step closer to your 3-Year Picture and one step closer to your 10-Year Target. Less is more. Kill 3-7 of the most important priorities every year and you’ll take over the world.
  7. Rocks — It’s easy to get sidetracked by new ideas, which is why you must have a list of “Rocks.” These refer to your main priorities for the next 90 days. There should be seven or fewer to ensure that they are realistic goals and that your team doesn’t get overwhelmed.
  8. Long-term Issues — It’s important to address the potential roadblocks that you may encounter as you grow. By pointing out the Issues that can get in the way of your progress, you can prepare for the worst-case scenarios and put processes in place that can help you overcome them.

The benefits of VTO

Obviously, there are a multitude of benefits to defining your Vision. One of the biggest benefits my clients tell me about is how a compelling vision is helping them attract and retain the right people. Recruiting is easier when you can articulate a compelling vision that you are clearly excited about.

As Harry Beckwith said, “People don’t lead, purposes do.” You can attract the right people when you can articulate something bigger that they can be part of. People will stay engaged and you’ll retain your best people because they see how they contribute to that vision.

EOS Worldwide provides the VTO to set you up for success

EOS provides a variety of tools to help entrepreneurs achieve their vision, including the VTO. But by utilizing everything EOS has to offer, your entire company can work toward collective growth and success.

According to the EOS Worldwide website:

EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, is a complete set of simple concepts and practical tools that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs around the world get what they want from their businesses. Implementing EOS will help you and your leadership team get better at three things: Vision, Traction, Healthy.

If you’ve hit a wall and your business has hit a ceiling, help is on the way.

Tens of thousands of business leaders like you – with 10-250 employees – have achieved rapid growth and a more balanced life by running on the Entrepreneurial Operating System. EOS isn’t a computer operating system. It’s a people operating system that harnesses human energy through a simple set of tools and principles.

You didn’t become an entrepreneur to feel burned out or stuck in place. EOS gets you “unstuck” by organizing the hundreds of challenges you face every day and making them more manageable. You’re able to solve issues before they become problems, get the right people in the right seats, make meetings so productive that you actually look forward to them, and build a culture of accountability.

When you run on EOS, everyone is working toward the same goals. Your business runs more smoothly and profitably. You break through the ceiling to achieve growth. And you simply enjoy life more.

Contact me today for more information about implementing EOS into your business or to schedule a free 90-minute meeting.



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