S2E19: Embracing Intentional Business Practices: 24 Years of Uplifting Communities | Trixie Whyte

We Run on EOS
We Run on EOS
S2E19: Embracing Intentional Business Practices: 24 Years of Uplifting Communities | Trixie Whyte

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Trixie Whyte, President, Visionary, and CEO of Q2 HR Solutions Group of Companies, shares insights from her 23-year-long entrepreneurship journey.

Starting her HR solutions company over two decades ago, she and her late husband realized that their business was not just about finding jobs but about providing livelihoods and making a meaningful impact on the community. Her profound belief in servant leadership and the power of purpose has driven her success.

[03:15] “We’ve existed for over 23 years. We wouldn’t have been able to achieve that length of time if quality wasn’t there. But more importantly, people believe in that purpose.”

As the company expanded, Trixie’s unwavering dedication to providing quality services and creating opportunities for marginalized individuals became the cornerstone of its operations. By infusing her leadership with the Filipino “malasakit” value, she has fostered a culture of genuine care and dedication within her team.

[23:13] “I believe that the bigger the rock, the wider the ripple effect. And if I’m the rock, I need to make sure that that rock keeps growing. Because when I grow, my impact will have a positive ripple effect.”

Trixie’s relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with her deep-rooted spirituality, has enabled her business to thrive and empowered her team to embody grit in the face of adversity. Her story of resilience, passion, and business success serves as an inspiring example for business leaders and entrepreneurs.


About the We Run on EOS™ Podcast

Entrepreneurial leaders thrive under pressure… sometimes until they collapse. When things get intense, people depend on them to come in clutch, both in business and in life. The We Run on EOS podcast honors the moments when entrepreneurs rose to the occasion for their companies through transformational game-changers. Host Pam Kosanke, Professional EOS Implementer®, chief revenue officer for EOS Worldwide, fellow entrepreneur, and six-time world-championship athlete across three sports, learned how to use the massive pressures she faced to forge her own personal transformation. Join her conversations with our guests as they celebrate decisions that ultimately helped guide them to greatness. You just might pick up a play or two from them to level up your own entrepreneurial game.

About Pam Kosanke

Pam Kosanke is an award-winning leader, Professional EOS Implementer®, chief revenue officer for EOS Worldwide, entrepreneur, and six-time world-championship athlete across three sports. She has deep experience working with organizations ranging from Fortune 500 companies to nonprofits and small businesses and across a variety of industries, including franchising, packaged goods, quick-service restaurants, professional services, sports marketing, and retail. Pam has faced all types of challenges, reached the most aggressive goals, navigated nearly every kind of crisis. Throughout her career, she’s continually proven her ability to lead teams to victory on every stage – as an athlete, marketing professional, and entrepreneur.



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