Leadership team members, but especially the Visionary and Integrator™, should never say anything negative about one another. You can never complain to anyone in the organization about your Visionary or Integrator counterpart. Maintaining mutual respect is critical even when tensions inevitably rise.

Visionaries and Integrators operate completely differently. They have different personalities, and those differences in one can frustrate the other one. Despite all those natural urges to express disrespect for your counterpart, FIGHT THOSE URGES. Keeping the greater good of the organization in mind can help you.

Same Page Meeting™

One of the most constructive ways to work out differences and issues is to bring them to the Same Page Meeting. This pre-scheduled two-hour meeting is held at least monthly (more frequently if needed). Bring all of your issues, concerns, ideas, and disconnects to the meeting. Then identify, discuss and solve (IDS™) them.

The Same Page Meeting helps business owners and leaders reach alignment on the direction of their organization. Visionary/Integrator™ duos get 100% on the same page – eliminating wasteful indecision and dysfunction within the leadership team (and beyond).

A regular cadence of Same Page Meetings allows both partners the opportunity to consult their counterpart one-on-one. They realign their energy toward hitting numbers, completing 90-day goals or Rocks, keeping customers and employees happy – and solving issues.


Both the Visionary and the Integrator must demonstrate respect for each other.

Visionaries, the Integrator is not your minion or “less/lower” than you. This relationship, this partnership, operates much like a marriage. By treating each other as equals with the level of respect you’d treat a spouse, you’ll be much happier (and productive).

Integrators, if you feel disrespected by your Visionary, you really have three choices.

  1. You can address it. In your Same Page Meeting, you can work on fixing the problem through open and honest dialogue.
  2. You can tolerate it. If you feel like the good you get from the relationship outweighs the bad, you can continue to tolerate it.
  3. You can leave. You can go find a Visionary elsewhere that will treat you with the respect that you want and deserve.

Visionaries, a little reminder and warning for you: Integrators are a scarce commodity in this world. If you feel fine treating your Integrator as something “less than” or with disrespect, recognize that you might end up alone. You might end up back in that Integrator’s seat yourself.

When They Leave

Let’s say, for one reason or another, the Integrator decides to leave. Visionaries, you may have had nothing (or everything) to do with it. The Integrator may have found an incredible opportunity or a better fit for their talent. Or Visionary, you may have decided you need the services of a different kind of Integrator. Regardless of the reason, your goal now is to make the split amicable.

That means to once again FIGHT THE URGE to badmouth or disrespect each other during AND after the departure. Forget the laws of karma. Don’t trash your reputation by dragging your dirty laundry out into public. Even during leadership team meetings, never give any indication of anything but positivity surrounding the change.

Integrators, if possible, help your replacement transition into the role. If not, leave very specific instructions for someone to follow after you’ve gone. Visionaries, support your Integrator as they wrap up their time in the business.


At all times, keep the greater good of the organization and its employees in mind. Check your egos at the door. By maintaining mutual respect, you make running the business easier and more constructive for everyone.

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