Great managers do 5 things and we are considering them one at a time: 1) great managers keep expectations clear and 2) they communicate well. I’ll talk about 3, 4 and 5 in future entries.
Day: August 11, 2015
Two Disciplines to Get the Most from Business Meetings
One of the biggest and fastest impacts you can have on your organization in terms of better communication, accountability, team health, and results is by having a weekly meeting with your leadership team.
Leadership Team Development #18 – Great Managers Do Quarterly One-On-Ones
Great managers do 5 things: 1) they keep expectations clear; 2) they communicate well; 3) they include their people in the right meeting pulse and 4) they have a one-on-one quarterly conversation with each direct report. I’ll talk about #5 next week.
Leadership Team Development #17 – Great Managers Have the Right Meeting Pulse
Great managers do 5 things and we are considering them one at a time: 1) great managers keep expectations clear, 2) they communicate well and 3) they include their people in the right meeting pulse. I’ll talk about 4 and 5 in future entries.
Leadership Team Development #13 – Great Leaders Act For the Greater Good
Great leaders do 5 things: 1) They give clear direction; 2) They provide the necessary tools; 3) They let go and 4) They act with the greater good in mind. After creating clear openings, providing the right tools and resources and letting go so your people can run, you must always act for the good of your direct reports and the entire organization.
Leadership Team Development #19 – Great Managers Reward and Recognize
Great managers do 5 things: 1) they keep expectations clear; 2) they communicate well; 3) they include their people in the right meeting pulse; 4) they have a one-on-one quarterly conversation with each direct report and 5) they reward and recognize their direct reports appropriately.