The 5 Abilities You Need as a Leader to Grow

Have you ever felt stuck in your business? Like there is something stopping you from growing past a certain point? This doesn’t just mean growing your revenue or people, it might be that you’re stuck internally, with things not working how you want them to.

All businesses go through these types of growing pains where they hit the ceiling, whether it is individually as a leader, within a single department, or as a business as a whole. This barrier stops you from reaching that next level you’ve been trying to get to and can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and frustrated. In the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), I have found that whether or not a business is able to break through that ceiling that is stopping them from growing, is directly related to the ability to master what we call, The Five Leadership Abilities.

The Five Leadership Abilities

The Five Leadership Abilities is something that I introduce my clients to in our very first session together. By mastering and successfully implementing the EOS tools and processes, my clients have been able to strengthen these five leadership abilities and breakthrough that ceiling that holds them back, whenever they reach it.


Ask yourself, is everything in your organization the simplest it can be? I’m sure that as your business has grown, so did the amount of information, details, and tasks that you deal with grew too. The reality is that the leader is at the center of the organization. As it grows, they don’t always notice when things start to become more complex, inconsistent, or chaotic, which can cause confusion for the entire organization and hinder growth. The simpler we can be as leaders about our communication, processes, and structure, the easier it will be for the entire company to become aligned with a crystal-clear vision.

Delegate & Elevate

One of the most common reasons I see businesses hitting the ceiling is because leaders struggle to let go and delegate. However, delegation is where true growth can begin. When you delegate properly, it gives you back the time to do the things you love to do, while giving the things you don’t to the people who not only love to do it but will do well at it, helping you elevate your business past that ceiling and to the next level.


This means learning how to make the right decisions in both the long term, the next 90 days, and beyond, as well as the short-term, solving issues on a weekly basis. Without both of these skills, your business will struggle to have a clear direction and lack the ability to prioritize, causing the issues in your business to pile up and go unresolved until they ultimately implode. Developing the ability to predict can help you solve issues before they get to that point.


Systemize means to document, simplify, and get everyone in your organization following the core processes that make up “your way” of doing business. To do this, take a hard look into your current processes, take out the unnecessary steps and create a process that truly reflects your business. Then, make sure that it is followed by all who touch that process with no exceptions. In the end, this creates consistency throughout your entire organization, allowing you to truly delegate and elevate. You will feel more comfortable letting go, knowing that it will be done the right and best way, every time to produce higher efficiency and more results throughout your organization.


Does it ever feel like something isn’t right with your organization’s structure, but you can’t describe what? I would encourage you to take a step back. Once you step out of the system and really think deeply into your business, you’ll be able to look past all the people, personalities, and egos to identify exactly where you need help and where your challenges are so that you can start to create a structure that truly benefits your organization. As a result, you’ll be able to look at your Accountability Chart, at all the seats in your organization, and get the right people in those seats to help grow your business.

Ready to break past that ceiling? Implement EOS!

By implementing EOS’s proven processes and complete business tools, it will help you break past that ceiling that has been holding you and your business back so that you can continue to gain traction toward achieving your vision. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, reach out to me and set up a 90 Minute Meeting to see how EOS can help you take back control over your business and achieve sustainable growth. Contact me!



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