Perfect – the Enemy of Done
Every entrepreneurial company, regardless of size, never has enough people, money and time to accomplish all the goals its leaders can envision for it. Its the nature of the beast.
Every entrepreneurial company, regardless of size, never has enough people, money and time to accomplish all the goals its leaders can envision for it. Its the nature of the beast.
All EOS companies use a two page document called the Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO) to take a simple, effective approach to strategic planning. By answering the eight questions on the V/TO, they capture what hopefully was in their heads to begin with and make it available for all employees to see – who they are, what they are, where they are going, and how they are going to get there.
In their periodic leadership meetings does your leadership team spend endless amounts of time discussing issues? Never seeming to reach a conclusion or make a decision?
Barbara Taylor runs a retail coffee and espresso business in Arkansas. She wrote a post in the small business section of the New York Times in June 2011, entitled Reaching Your Limits As A Business Owner. What she has to say about hitting a wall will resonate with owners of companies implementing EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System.
Delivering Happiness is Tony Hsieh’s (pronounced Shay) story of how he and a few close friends founded, which they eventually sold to Amazon for $1.2B.
Jay Goltz wrote an interesting blog post on 5/25/11 for the Small Business Section of the New York Times, entitled Not All Fixed Costs Are Truly Fixed. You can read the post here.