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Are You Ready for Your “Missed Approach”?

Landings can be one of the most challenging parts of flight. This is especially true when the weather gets bad, i.e., low clouds, reduced visibility, rain, thunderstorms, snow or turbulence.

The missed approach is a standard procedure used when a landing cannot safely be made. When this happens, the same steps are performed in sequence, every time: apply full power, climb to a specific altitude, navigate to a designated “fix” and then enter a holding pattern before initiating “Plan B.”

When things go wrong during this critical phase of flight, it’s reassuring to know there is a procedure in place to make sure the flight ends safely. In other words, there is a plan for the unplanned.

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Clarify First, Then Commit

Fostering commitment within an organization is a major responsibility for all leaders. Without commitment to a clear vision, there’s simply not enough determination to achieve great things.

One subtle “gotcha” is when you think the vision your people should commit to is clear, but it isn’t clear to them! Commitment builds enthusiasm, but what good is that commitment, if it’s not clearly focused towards a common goal?

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5 Tips to Beat Your Biggest Business Obstacles

Runner jumping over a hurdle | tips to beat business obstaclesThe ability to solve substantive business challenges could be the most important skill your leadership team must master. It can either propel your business forward at light speed or, if done poorly, keep you orbiting through chaos and frustration.

Beating business obstacles is one of the most difficult skills to master, but when you do, magic happens!

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Is Your Business Running on Autopilot?

Is your business on autopilot? Man speeding in invisible car while working on laptop The autopilot can be an aviator’s BEST friend. It’s precise, alleviates workload, and provides good peace of mind. All positive factors, but if the pilot isn’t careful, it could lead to big trouble!

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5 Reasons to Ditch Your Org Chart

trash can on a downtown sidewalk | ditch your org chart!Most of my clients no longer use their organizational chart, replacing it with the Accountability Chart™ – a more powerful tool that clearly depicts the structural needs of the organization.

At first glance, the Accountability Chart may look like an org chart with a similar hierarchical feel, but that’s where the similarities end.

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Running Your Business on Instinct Could Kill Your Company

Running Your Business on Instinct Could Kill Your CompanyYou have probably heard the saying: “fly by the seat of your pants.” You can actually fly a plane by “feel,” but not when visual references are gone (i.e., flying through clouds).

Prior to entering the clouds, every pilot is taught to reference their instruments and ignore what’s going on outside the window. Simply put, our body indicators are not capable of providing accurate feedback with the absence of visual references. Trusting your instinct at this point could be deadly.

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