Time Management for Entrepreneurs

I learned about Dan Sullivan’s and Strategic Coach’s Entrepreneurial Time System™ when I was a student in their program in 2001.

As an entrepreneur, prior to adopting the system it was extremely difficult to differentiate a vacation day from a work day. All my days seemed to bleed together with no clear work boundaries. I felt like I was always working and it was exhausting and often unproductive.

Yearly Planning

I do personal and business planning every year through a tool called the Vision / Traction Organizer (V/TO). During that planning process I set goals for the number of Focus Days®, Buffer Days® and Free Days® For the year. In 2013, I set a goal of 100 Focus Days, 165 Buffer Days and 100 Free Days.

Weekly Discipline and Awareness

Every Sunday evening as I review the week ahead, I very intentionally note which days of the week are Focus, Buffer and Free. In addition, I also look back at the prior week to confirm what actually happened in terms of Focus, Buffer and Free Days and report them on my weekly scorecard to my team.

Entrepreneurial Excellence

The Entrepreneurial Time System has been a lifesaver for me, without it every day would be a Buffer Day and my mind and body would never get a break. I attribute my entrepreneurial success, including building an Inc 500 Business, to the clarity and freedom that the Entrepreneurial Time System provides.

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