For the Greater Good of your Business

A cohesive and effective leadership team makes decisions for the greater good of the organization. Members of the team are selfless, willing to put their egos and personal agendas aside and ask themselves what is best for their company. Unfortunately, when faced with tough decisions the first inclination is to make decisions based on how the outcome will affect us personally or our department. The winner is often the person who is most persuasive but the loser is the company whose leadership team is constantly infighting to protect its turf.

Ineffective leadership teams lack the right tools to help them create clarity, simplify the decision-making process and provide the context where the best decision – the one for the greater good – can be made. The Foundational EOS Tools can ensure that the leadership team is on the same page and making decisions for the greater good. Learn and master each one of these tools and you’ll begin to transform your company:

  1. The Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO) – helps your team answer 8 key questions to ensure that everyone is on the same page with who you are, what you do, why you do it, where you’re going and exactly how you will get there. Click here
  2. The Accountability Chart™ – ensures that you have the right structure in place; that each necessary “seat” has been identified and that everyone in the organization is crystal clear about who is accountable for what. Further, it ensures that the leadership team agrees that the right person is in each seat based on alignment with Core Values and that they Get it, Want it and have the Capacity to do it (GWC™) Click here
  3. Rocks – Key 90-day Priorities for the company, members of the leadership team and everyone in the organization that focus resources and keep the company moving forward. Click here
  4. Meeting Pulse™ – improves communication, increases team health and provides the discipline to solve problems in a timely manner so they don’t linger for days, weeks, months or years. Click here
  5. Scorecard – measures activities that drive results, helps identify trends and ensure that decisions are made with sufficient data to avoid poor decision-making based on opinions and emotions. Click here

Think about where your organization is today and where it might be twelve months from now with these simple, time-tested tools in place.

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