The Quarterly Conversation

Are you having quarterly conversations with all of your direct reports? One of the most powerful things you can do is to stay on the same page with your people and help to make little course corrections along the way. Above and beyond your regular weekly meetings, day-to-day interactions and annual performance reviews, I recommend you follow this practice.

It is not a performance review. It should not be tied to any compensation or raise. The idea is to get together, ideally outside of the office, to have a one-hour conversation about what’s working and what’s not. Just simply start the conversation by asking the question “What is working and what’s not?” You both share your answers, it is a two-way discussion.

As a result of the feedback, you will make great course corrections and your relationship will keep getting better and better. As for location, get out of the office and have lunch, go to the bar, have dinner or go to a coffee shop where you can let your hair down and just simply have a conversation. Think of your direct reports, schedule one right now, and try it.

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