Lead Now: Why A Clarity Break Is More Important Than Ever

Video excerpt from the EOS Lead Now Webinar: Leading In A Time Of Crisis. Watch the complete video here.

If you’re an entrepreneur or a business leader and you’re feeling ‘frozen in place,’ you’ll want to get unstuck as soon as possible so you can lead your company and your people. In the best of times, you’ll hear us at EOS talking about the importance of taking regularly-scheduled Clarity Breaks™. We feel that now is a critical time for Clarity Breaks, so we’ve dedicated an entire Lead Now session, as well as this blog, to be a “Clarity Break 101.”

What Is A Clarity Break?

A Clarity Break is a set-aside time where you have the intention to just think. During this dedicated thinking time, you get clear on what’s important, what needs to be done and what’s holding you back. Clarity Breaks are essential for leaders to get re-focused. “Whenever we’re not clear about where to take the next step, we freeze. If you’re going to freeze, you need to step down and let another leader take your place,” advises EOS Co-Founder Don Tinney. New Call-to-action

Right Now: How To Take A Clarity Break

Here are some tips on having a productive Clarity Break.
  • Put it on your calendar
    • Pick a block of time, schedule an appointment with yourself, then keep it. If you wait around for the right time to appear, it won’t.
  • Work “on” the business
    • This is not a time to catch up on email or get your to-dos done. This is time to step back and think, to create clarity, and restore your confidence. Clarity Breaks are thinking time.
  • Bring a notebook
    • We recommend having a notepad or journal handy during your Clarity Breaks to record your thoughts and make lists.
  • Get away from the office
    • A Clarity Break should never be in your office. You have to go to a place where your thoughts are uninterrupted, away from the daily grind.

Clarity Break Dos and Don’ts

A Clarity Break is not a vacation, nor does it mean totally checking out of work. It’s also a bit more involved than simply taking a walk around the block and talking to yourself. “Maybe 15 minutes every morning would be enough to get you connected to what you want to do,” advises O’Donnell.

Here’s a list of Clarity Break “Dos”

  • Set aside time on your calendar, whatever works best for you
  • Get out of your office and go to a quiet place where you aren’t distracted
  • Focus “on” the business


  • Put it off –keep your appointment with yourself!
  • Have electronics around to distract
  • Try to solve everything in one Clarity Break

Use This Time To Prepare You For What’s Ahead

Your Clarity Breaks should not only contain reflection on what is directly in front of you but also how to plan for the months ahead. Think forward to what may happen at the end of the current crisis if you’re in a business where people want what you have but they can’t have it right now. There will be a time of pent-up demand coming that may create a surge for your business and you’ll want to be clear on what and who you need to meet that demand. Regular Clarity Breaks will help you ‘unfreeze’ and find the energy and focus needed to step up and do what needs to be done. Jill Young, Certified EOS Implementer®, offers this advice: “We owe it to our companies to give them clarity and confidence right now so we have to have it as leaders ourselves. This Clarity Break tool is just a way to do that. Don’t get caught up in the mechanics, just do it.” If you’re not taking Clarity Breaks, what is keeping you from taking them? Comment below!

Go Deeper: Additional Resources About Clarity Breaks


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