Calling A “Clear The Air” Meeting

Clear the Air Meeting

As a Certified EOS Implementer®, I keep a close watch on team health in my clients. Even when they report productive Level 10 Meetings™, sometimes you can see an underlying tension. The entire team feels it, even if they can’t identify the source of the tension. It becomes the elephant in the room. And it can kill all the progress the team has made (or worse). I’ll suggest calling a Clear the Air Meeting to find the root cause of the problem and resolve it fast.

What’s Ticking You Off?

Part of The Trust Builders™ in the EOS Foundational Tools™, Clear the Air Meetings get things out in the open. It’s based on the question, “What’s ticking you off?”.

We like to compare EOS to an onion: it has a lot of layers to it. Guess what? Humans are the same way. And humans may not wear what ticks them off on their sleeves. The surface looks calm and happy. But after getting to know my clients, I can tell when something feels different.

And I have to say something as soon as I recognize a shift, especially if no one else does. Even during quarterlies or annuals, I’ll call a timeout to hold a Clear the Air Meeting. Because, left unchecked, what may have started as a small speed bump can become a major problem for a team.

If we need to, we’ll use the Issues Solving Track™ to get over whatever is blocking them. We can sort out the root cause by identifying the problem and finding solutions to make it go away forever.

Sometimes it only takes a 15-20-minute conversation (even over Zoom) to identify the issue and fix it. We do surgery on the relationships, remove the problems forever, and get things all sewn up again.

Afterwards, I’ve had clients say: “I’ve wanted to have that conversation for five years. Thank you for leading us through that.”

How Implementers Facilitate Clear the Air Meetings

I may have sensed something felt off in the past, but didn’t say anything. I’ve regretted not taking those opportunities. As I’ve grown more comfortable in my role, I feel confident in taking those shots. I may be the only person who can ask those tough questions.

After we IDS™ a problem, I think to myself, well that wasn’t so hard. But underlying issues can erode team trust and make it feel too hard to say whatever needs to be said. I see it as my job to facilitate having those difficult conversations. As an Implementer, every week I get the chance to pull off some pretty crazy saves. I show up for my clients by being there to serve them.

Because at the end of the day, I see how clearing the air can bring the team closer. By being open and honest with each other, they build trust. And when the members of the team trust each other, now they can gain real Traction®.



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