Revisiting the Rocket Fuel™ Toolkit

Have you ever looked at old photos and realized how much you’ve changed? The same is true of your business. Looking back over an old Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO) may make you realize you’re not the same company anymore. As your organization changes, it’s important to revisit the Rocket Fuel Toolkit to keep your business strong.

Visionary and Integrator on the Same Page

Your Visionary/Integrator™ (V/I) relationship is the most important relationship in the business. Your V/I Duo™ must operate in lockstep to be more functional and productive. 

Without an effort to maintain alignment, things can go off the rails. The leadership team can tell when you’re not fully aligned with your V/I counterpart. They get mixed messages that distract them from focusing on the most important tasks. 

Held regularly, Same Page Meetings® will tighten your bond with your counterpart and close any gaps between you. The leadership team needs you on the same page, and so does the rest of the company. 


As your relationship with your Visionary/Integrator counterpart matures, you’ll find your relationship goes through changes. Change is normal… and a good thing as you grow personally. But you’ll also find those developments can slide you out of sync with your V/I partner.

Commit to taking the Rocket Fuel Power Index™ assessment at least once a year to flush out issues. The assessment will show you misalignments that you can work to resolve. Bring the results to your next Same Page Meeting and compare them. Where are you off track?

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Back to Basics

Even if you think things haven’t changed much, periodically review your goals and how you plan to achieve them. Go back to the basics and scrutinize your assumptions. Nothing is sacred.

  • Level 10 Meetings™

Are you following the Level 10 Meeting agenda and getting the most out of your weekly leadership meetings? Are you focusing on the most important things to accomplish this week and solving the most urgent issues?

  • Scorecard

Your team reviews Scorecard numbers each week. Everyone has a number because what gets measured gets managed. But are the Measurables you’re tracking giving you an accurate picture of the business? Are you able to make business predictions based on your numbers?

  • 90-Day World®

When you live in a 90-Day World, you’re setting short-term priorities and reconvening every quarter to reassess these priorities. Are you consistently establishing the most important priorities for the company that need to be done in the next 90 days?

  • The Accountability Chart™

Review your Accountability Chart. Is this still the right structure to help your business achieve its long-term goals? Do you still have the right people in the right seats in that structure?

  • Core Questions™

Take a look at your Core Questions on your V/TO®. Are your answers still accurate for the following questions?

    1. What are your core values?
    2. What’s your Core Focus™?
    3. What’s your 10-Year Target™?
    4. What’s your marketing strategy?
    5. What’s your 3-Year Picture™?
    6. What’s your 1-Year Plan?

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Begin Again

As a business leader, you know success isn’t a destination you arrive at. You have to keep working on it. By revisiting the Rocket Fuel Toolkit, you’ll reignite the passion for your business, maximize your V/I relationship, and focus on what matters most for the organization.

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