Team Health Through the Lens of EOS®

It seems like everybody’s talking about team health and work culture these days. Team health keeps your people engaged and productive and lowers the attrition of the best people in your organization. Having the culture you want and making it intentional by using the EOS Process® and Tools builds team health. It’s that simple. We all know simple doesn’t equal easy, so how do you build team health in your business?

Clear Core Values

Either you define your culture, or it will define you. If you don’t take an active role, you might not like what you get.

Team health starts by having clear Core Values that define your organization’s culture. They’re the foundation of an intentional culture, serving as the building blocks of what is right, wrong, acceptable, and unacceptable in your company.

There are additional benefits, too. Clear Core Values will help define the answers to many of the issues you identify. Leaders learn to hire, reward, and let go of people who do not fit their organization’s Core Values.

The People Analyzer® helps determine who has your Core Values. We tell clients to strive to have 100% of the right people in the right seats, but we know perfection is impossible. That’s why we say 80% is acceptable.

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Structure First, People Second

When you build The Accountability Chart® for your business, everyone must have access to it and understand the roles of their seat. First, build the structure that will take your business where you want it to go before you enter any names.

When you do add someone to The Accountability Chart, everyone should have a seat they want to be in. Each quarter, you need to ask if each of your people GWC™ (Get it, Want it, and have the Capacity to do) their roles. Because when people GWC their role, they’re engaged and passionate about being more productive. You and the person in the seat should answer “Yes” to all three areas of GWC. The answer could change over time, so don’t assume you know the answer quarter to quarter.

Use the Delegate and Elevate® Tool to get more people in the right seat on The Accountability Chart. Again, strive for 100% of the right people in the right seats, but consider 80% a home run.

Have a Great Vision/Traction Organizer® (V/TO) and Live it

The V/TO® is a powerful tool to help you simplify strategic planning. It gives everyone a clear picture of your vision for the future.

Share the V/TO with the entire company so that they know where the company is going and how you plan to get there. That way, everyone will be rowing in the same direction toward one unified vision.

Sharing the V/TO helps them determine whether they want to be a part of it or not. A great V/TO will drive getting the right people in the right seats, improve team health, and foster an intentional culture.

We have a saying: The Greater Good of the Organization = every word of the V/TO x genuine care and concern by all team members.

Have a Great Meeting Pulse

When a company has a great Meeting Pulse, they have effective annuals, quarterlies, and weekly Level 10 Meetings at every level of the organization. A great Meeting Pulse keeps everyone on the same page and avoids silos within the company.

As part of those meetings, everyone is accountable for the roles of their seat. That means everyone has a Measurable on the weekly Scorecard, everyone has Rocks, and everyone completes their weekly To-Dos.

Even better, everyone in the meeting participates in solving problems through IDS® (Identify, Discuss, Solve) sessions.

Run better meetings with EOS One. Start and end on time, keep people focused, and easily turn ideas into To-Dos. Start your free trial of EOS One

Every Employee Has a Great Manager

Any manager who has direct reports learns to become great at LMA® (Leading, Managing, and holding people Accountable).

When every boss has mastered LMA, it drives team health throughout the entire organization. People managers genuinely care about their team and help them accomplish more than they thought they could. These bosses bring out the best in their people, help them live in the Personal Core Focus, and have a Quarterly Conversation™ with them to discuss what’s working and what’s not.

They say people don’t leave companies; they leave bad managers. When an organization has great managers at every level, people will beat down your doors to join your team.

Driving Team Health

In summary, team health will drive culture and build the company that you always wanted. It will attract people to your company and save you money on hiring and training replacements from attrition.

People will get along and be accountable for their roles. No one will tolerate any drama and backstabbing, and those people who are not the right people in the right seats will end up leaving.

Are you ready to drive team health in your business?


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