About EOS® Worldwide

EOS Worldwide is a growing organization of successful entrepreneurs from a variety of backgrounds who are passionate about helping other business leaders succeed. The power of EOS is that it is real world, simple and practical. There’s no theory or flavor of the month, no magic pills—just timeless, field-tested tools that work.  

With over 16 years of history and more than 275,000+ companies currently using our tools, EOS is a proven system that consistently helps companies achieve more revenue, growth and profit while delivering a better balance of life to business owners and leaders.

EOS Books Sold
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Professional EOS implementers
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Companies using EOS Tools
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The EOS Worldwide Leadership Team

Mark O'Donnell


Kelly Knight


Matthew Coy


Alex Tapper


Ben Ertischek

Finance and Administration

Our Purpose and Core Values

EOS Worldwide exists to help people get what they want from their business.  We do that by developing master EOS Implementers who are the best in the world at helping entrepreneurial leadership teams gain traction towards achieving everything in their vision.

We are abundance-minded and collaborative, working together to grow individually and help entrepreneurs worldwide. 

At our core, we are people who:

Are Humbly Confident

open, honest, real and well-practiced, ready to make a positive difference

Do the Right Thing

never betraying a trust and doing whatever it takes to resolve every issue so people can move forward

Grow or Die

driven to maximize every situation and take ourselves and our clients to the next level

Help First

subordinating our personal interests to advance others, always giving value before expecting anything in return

Do What We Say

sometimes more, never less

Our History

Our company founder, Gino Wickman, started his entrepreneurial journey at age 21. After taking over the family business at age 25, he turned the company around and continued running it for another seven years before selling it. During that time, Gino became involved with the Detroit chapter of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization and found himself advising many of his fellow EO members. This led to the discovery that he had a passion for helping entrepreneurs and began the vision for what would become the Entrepreneurial Operating System®.

Don Tinney, a business veteran with over 30 years of experience leading entrepreneurial teams and our company’s co-founder, met Gino during the early stages of EOS’s development. After joining forces with Gino and reproducing his results in implementing EOS® with his own clients, Don became the second EOS Implementer®. Together, the two of them started to build the EOS Implementer Community™ before officially launching EOS Worldwide in 2008. 

Today, Gino and Don are no longer involved in running EOS Worldwide but continue to champion entrepreneurship and engage with the community.

A brief history of EOS


Gino Wickman starts to create his system in September 2000.

He works with 50+ clients to refine the tools and system – calling it the Business Accelerator Model & Process.


Gino is at a crossroads:

"Keep it to myself or leverage it?"


Gino is introduced to Don Tinney. Don is completely different from Gino and Gino has doubts that Don can replicate his success.

Don sets out to prove him wrong.


After reproducing every one of Gino's results, Don becomes the second EOS Implementer.

In June 2006, Gino renames his system to the Entrepreneurial Operating System.


Gino and Don start recruiting EOS Implementers and hold the first Boot Camp in August 2007.

Gino self-publishes Traction in September 2007.


EOS Worldwide officially launches with eight EOS Implementers.


The company is floundering. Gino and Don decide that if things don't get better by June, they will pull the plug.

They decide to implement a new, abundance-minded business model for the EOS Implementer Community.


Gino and Mike Paton publish Get A Grip.


Paton replaces Gino as Visionary of EOS Worldwide.

Gino and Mark Winters publish Rocket Fuel.

The Professional EOS Implementer Community grows to more than 100 members.

Traction is published in Chinese (Simplified).


Kelly Knight replaces Don Tinney as Integrator and becomes EOS Worldwide's first full-time employee.

Rene Boer and Gino publish How to Be a Great Boss.


First international Boot Camp is held in Sydney, Australia in March 2017.

First EOS Conference is held in April 2017.

Gino and Tom Bouwer publish What the Heck is EOS?


Firefly Group become owners/partners in May 2018.


Traction is published in Romanian and Vietnamese.


Mark O'Donnell replaces Paton as Visionary.

Virtual sessions, QCEs, and Boot Camps become a new way to reach new organizations, stay safe, and increase flexibility.

Traction is published in Korean.


EOS transitions from a membership model to a Franchise model and completes a full company rebrand.

Gino Wickman publishes The EOS Life, making it the sixth book in the Traction Library.

Traction is published in Portuguese (Brazil).



EOS One Beta launched in January 2022.

Mike Paton and Lisa González published Process!.

Strong in Six London is the first client event held outside of North America.

Traction is published in Mongolian, French, and Japanese.


New & Improved EOS One work begins.

First-ever “We Run on EOS” events introduced, Strong in Six Sydney and Self-Implementer Workshop launch.

Record “people numbers.” 100+ EOSW staff, 750+ total EOS Implementers (177 joined in 2023), 85+ Rocket Fuel IMF members.

Traction is published in Dutch and Russian.


EOS One launches in April 2024.

Mark O'Donnell, Kelly Knight, and CJ Dube' publish People.

Traction is published in Africa/Haiti French and Arabic.


Base Camp


Client Portal



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