This is a post really intended for integrators, to remind you of three tools you should be revisiting with the team annually as a way of proactively reinforcing the habits built during the early years of your EOS journey.
1. LMA Review
The 10 things leaders and managers DO (See the toolbox in your Leadership Team Manual or the book How To Be A Great Boss) is something we asked each leader to self-assess as Yes or No when considering all the people they lead directly. As a habit, once a year ask each leader to read through the list and reaffirm they are all Yes or recommit to changing all No answers to Yes.
2. Core Process Review
Take a deep dive at a quarterly/L10 into one of the handful of core processes to make sure the leadership team understands it (we call this shared by all or SBA in EOS), the metrics are clear, and flush out any issues with it. Ideally each should be reviewed once a year to make sure it is accurate and any issues identified should be solved.
3. Delegate and Elevate
Again and again, we see leaders doing work that should be done by their team. Remember my challenge to move away from $20/hour work to the $100 – $1000/hr work that members of the leadership team should be focused on?
The given is that each of you are still doing three quarterlies a year and a two-day annual off-site. Whether you are graduated or not, as the integrator each of these tools helps you more easily manage the business and develop your leadership team.
Should you need help from an experienced implementer, please don’t hesitate to reach out through my EOS page.