“How strong is my business?” Most owners have no way to truly assess how strong their business is. Political, market, and economic uncertainty are just a few headwinds that could topple a weak business. Issues will crop up this year that you likely have never experienced before. A strong business will have leadership and staff that can face these challenges with confidence. Managers of weak businesses will suffer from doubt, fear, and stress.
Gross revenue, EBITDA, revenue per employee, cash, and cash flow all provide some insights about what happened in the past. But are these really good measures of how well prepared you are to handle the future?
The EOS Model® identifies six key areas of your business that, when strong, indicate your preparedness to handle whatever challenge you may face. The Six Key Components™ are:
Vision – Getting everyone 100% on the same page on where you’re going
People – Making sure you have the Right People in the Right Seats
Data – Using facts and figures to make decisions rather than ego, emotion, or opinions
Issues – Getting really good at identifying issues then solving them as they arise
Process – Doing the most important things the right and best way every time, and
Traction – Instilling discipline and accountability to achieve the vision.
As your business becomes stronger in each of these six key components, it will be prepared to not just survive but thrive no matter what the market does, the global economy, your industry, or your competition.
Click here to assess how strong your business is: https://organizationalcheckup.
EOS Model® is a registered trademark of EOS Worldwide (https://www.eosworldwide.com/)