EOS Worldwide has announced a new multi-year license agreement with Ninety.io.
As part of this renewed partnership, Ninety will continue to provide an EOS® version of the Ninety.io platform. This agreement provides continuity for Ninety’s clients who are running their businesses on EOS and to members of the EOS Implementer® community.
“This agreement bolsters the use of EOS throughout the world by allowing those companies running on EOS to take full advantage of Ninety’s industry-leading platform,” said Mark O’Donnell, Visionary and CEO of EOS Worldwide.
Mark Abbott, Ninety’s CEO and founder, shared “We’re delighted to continue our ability to support companies running on EOS. We’ve worked hard to develop a great relationship with our friends at EOS Worldwide and the entire community of EOS Implementers and we are grateful that we are now the only licensed software provider for companies running on EOS.”