A second installment of the Mastery Series of the EOS Worldwide Traction Library, People: Dare to Build an Intentional Culture, debuts April 2.
People problems are almost always the biggest challenge for entrepreneurial companies, and solving them is transformational. According to a survey of companies running on EOS® , 82% say they are not getting enough out of their employees. Disengaged employees cost between $450 billion and $550 billion in lost productivity according to another study by the Engagement Institute.
In a moment when finding the right employees is more crucial than ever, People gives readers all the tools they need to create a thriving workplace. Hit-or-miss hiring, flagging productivity, infighting, employees in the wrong seats, and an inability to attract and retain good candidates are symptoms of a chaotic culture. Sadly, these symptoms won’t go away on their own, and it takes courage to confront them.