That’s a wrap on Strong in Six!
Strong in Six returns in 2024
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Tap back into the 2023 Strong in Six Business Challenge and access events from the Familiar with EOS track on-demand.
What kind of impact did this challenge have on the entrepreneurial community in 2023?
When your vision for the organization is clear, but your team isn’t rowing in the same direction, you can bring the company into alignment by rolling out the V/TO® to every level of your business and holding State of the Company meetings.
You’ve identified the right structure, but you’re not sure if you have the right people in the right seats to achieve your vision. To take your People Component to the next level, dive into future planning for The Accountability Chart™, and The People Analyzer®.
You have a Scorecard that you review weekly, but your profit and revenue still aren’t where you need them to be. Discover how the Getting What You Want Tool can help your leaders and managers simplify and predict the measurables that strengthen your Data Component.
Your team is identifying and solving issues, but are they entering the danger and discussing the root issue in an open, honest, and healthy environment? Get more out of your IDS® by increasing team trust to solve issues for good.
When you’ve documented your core processes, how do you make sure they stay updated, new people are trained on them, and they’re Followed By All? Take your ability to systemize to the next level and increase efficiency and predictability.
You’re running on EOS, your team has Rocks, and you have regular Level 10 Meetings®, but you need more traction. Optimize The Meeting Pulse® and learn how to level up in your use of EOS from an EOS Implementer®.
Looking for more opportunities to get strong? Get more out of self-implementing the EOS in your business and see where you can level up during this full-day virtual event.
Follow Expert EOS Implementer™ Sue Hawkes as she explores entrepreneurial pain points and unlocks 12 tools for getting stronger.
Strong in Six is designed to teach you how to get more of what you want from your business by strengthening your organization in the Six Key Components of the Entrepreneurial Operating System®.
Learn from EOS Implementers® and access the simple, proven, and practical tools you need to run your business with absolute clarity no matter where you are.
This six-week global campaign includes everything from virtual and local in-person events to free tools and content to help leaders strengthen their businesses.